What follows is a select listing of pertinent Links & Resources for Music, Models, Fashion, Dance, & Mistress Mayhem. All entries are relevant to the alternative culture & are local to
the general region.
Resources have been segmented by their area of focus (Music, Dance, Fashion, Models, & Mistress Mayhem), then categorize by its general interest: Alternative
& Music in Rust - BDSM & Fetish in Red - Lifestyle & Swinger in
Green - Gay, Bi, & Transgender in Wine
Return to Scene Guide => Articles => Resources.
Local Dance & Performance Art:
Peculiarity Productions (PeculiarProductions.com): Local resource for fire performers, dancers, events & more. Primary production offers the 8-bit circus. Main postings are made through Facebook.
PYROXOTIC (Instagram): All woman performance group providing world class specialty entertainment for clubs, events, parties, & corporate affairs. They carry a heavy focus on fire, glow arts, costuming, gogo, & more. Serving the entire Mid-Atlantic Region.
Electrocute (Facebook.com/xELECTROCUTEx): Exposing
their audience to new & innovative acts, they offer a dazzling array of visual impact which takes the concept of performance-art to entirely new heights. They offer everything from circus
performance, aerial acts, juggling, hoops, & tandem gymnastics to a host of high energy possibilities such as their signature "Glow-Show."
Cosmos Crew (Facebook.com/CosmosDolls): Rave influenced young bunch
offering a sense of flair to any event. Acting as go go dancers, performers, or an extra visual element to energize your crowd.
Bella Donna (Facebook.com/BellaDonnaDance): Tribal fusion belly dance with a
cutting edge. Native to DC, Bella Donna performs & teaches her unique style of dance both locally as well as throughout the U.S. Honoring the ancient & contemporary, fusion style dance makes
for a captivating performance.
Deanna Danger (DeannaDanger.com): From Richmond, Deanna is best known as a burlesque
performer & instructor, but also works as a model, aerialist, makeup artist, & holds her own line as a burlesque accessory designer (DeannaDangerDesigns.etsy.com). In addition, she is headmistress of the Dr. Sketchy Anti-Art School: drsketchy.com/branch/Richmond.
Gilded Lilly Burlesque (GildedLilyBurlesque.com): Voted Best of Baltimore by
City Paper, they are highly regarded as one of the area's premier burlesque troupea. Bringing a style that is both fun & thought provoking, they offer a different kind of live
Candy del Rio (Facebook.com/CandydelRio): Burlesque sensation for the DC area
& highly active promoter throughout the east coast.
Eyrie Twylite (Facebook): CoFounder of Black Tassel Boolesque, she is
the District's Queen of Halloween with a shimmy that can only be described as an “experience.” She'll titillates & tease, putting a spooky twist on classic & neo burlesque concepts.
Regional Fashion:
Passional (PassionalBoutique): Formally Fetishes Boutique, Passional offers a wide array of fetish-based attire, garments, & scene appropriate garb for any occasion. Available online, via brick & mortar in Philly, & through regional vending. See Website for details.
Psydde Delicious (DeliciousBoutique.com): Offering innovative & independent designs, Delicious Boutique & Corsets is a mainstay of Philly's alternative fashion scene. Specializing in edgy and unique lines, we're very pleased to have them as a part of this year's show. Also see Facebook.
Midnight Orchid Design (midnightorchiddesign.com): Founder & creator, Ginger Seibert offers exclusive costume designs specializing in tribal belly dance, apocalyptic, steampunk, & themed costuming. Midnight Designs include ready-made outfits, unique custom design, contracted pieces for troupes & individuals, as well as specific couture made to order. Also see Facebook & Etsy.
Twisted World (TwistedWorld.com): For five generations they have provided some of the finest & most durable hand-made leather-goods in all the realm! Based in Savanna, Ga. they can be found vending at most major events throughout the East & Midwest. Indeed, they are a force in the renaissance scene & we offer them our highest recommendation.
Delia Le Fay's Offerings (Delialefaysofferings.etsy.com): with online offerings through etsy, facebook, & instagram, Delia offers an array of handcrafted dragon scale & chainmail designs. On Instagram: @delialefay. Facebook: facebook.com/delialefaysofferings
Brute Force Studios (BruteForceLeather.com): Offering top quality accessories, corsetry, leather goods, steam punk, & more. Each piece is hand crafted, one of a kind, & made with the best of materials.
Joe the Shoe Guy (TheShoeGuy.com): The ultimate in fetish foot wear. Great deals & a well stocked inventory. Visit online, find him vending at any one of the east coast conventions for the scene, or call (732) 485-9833. Please note: Joe's main site is temporarily down so we're redirecting to his Facebook Page.
SLYX Fashion (SLYX.com): From vacuum beds to body suits, if it involves latex then SLYX Fashion is at the heart of it. For both men & women, Slyx is the benchmark for latex design. No question, no denial...
Renee Masoomian (ReneeMasoomian.com): Mistress of Design Renee Masoomian raises the level of fashion to outright art as she puts her heart into every piece she creates. Individual outfits are created to work as a unified ensemble or as individual pieces - an ideal way to augment your wardrobe. Offering an entire array of high fashion ensembles, any one of her diverse lines can all but guarantee you'll be the toast of the ball. Also see: www.Facebook.com.
Comfort Zone (ComfortZoneMD.Com): Located in College Park, Md, the Comfort Zone is one of the most fully stocked stores in the DC region. Offering an array of adult party supplies, lingerie, toys, fetish gear, & more.
Lotus Blooms (LotusBlooms.com): Upscale boutique in the heart of Old Town Alexandria. They offer a complete line of lingerie as well as adult enticements. In addition they provide classes & workshops of an adult orientation.
G Books (1520 U St. NW DC): As posted on Yelp: The store is cramped & messy with shelves overflowing everywhere with merchandise. But that means if you're looking for any sort of gay literature or DVD then they probably have it. They also sell toys, tools, & offer some of the best prices anywhere for poppers, lube, etc. FYI - the owner is helpful & often gives you a 'pretty face' discount.
Wicked Fun Studios (WickedFun): Offering some of the best photography
anywhere, Reggie is a true professional with an eye for beauty, proper lighting, & elegance in design. He provides both event photography as well as boudiour photo shoots.
Wabisabi ForRobots (WabiSabiforRobots.com): Regional Videographer offering true expertise for both mainstream & alternative productions. With a very high end production value, his portfolio offers a large range of diversity & expertise. Also see Facebook.
Larry Bradby Photography (Facebook.com): As much a local personality as talented photographer, he specializes in fashion, glamour, pin-up, fetish, & events. As a professional photographer, he also diversifies by working with weddings, landscapes, nature, wildlife, & even pets. Recently moved to Arizona, he still remains a force in the scene.
John Holmes / Blood Rose Prod (Facebook): Photographer & Filmmaker local to D.C. John has worked in many aspects of media but generally specializes in independent films, photography, & graphic design. Although he's not limited in his work, his general focus involves: Dark, Cinematic, Erotic, Elegant, Alt, Fetish, Goth, Glamour, Artistic. Also see Vimeo.
Sergie Photography (SergiePhotography): Offering scene based & mainstream photography, Daniel Sergie has been doing event photography for a very long time. His specialty is working w/ low lighting club nights & concert formats. Also see Facebook.
Mistress Mayhem:
Mistress Tyler (MistressTyler.com): A mainstay for the regional scene & one of the
most poised, elegant, & well respected personalities in the business. Tyler also maintains a private studio in downtown DC.
Mistress Lynn (MistressLynnsLair): One of DC's more respected pro Domme's. Lynn
also runs one of the area's only foot fetish parties. Parties feature drinks & a club type atmosphere. See website for more.
Kinky Cassie (Touch of Flavor): A highly active member in the scene, Tarantula Doll maintains a high profile as the co-producer for Touch of Flavor in Baltimore as well as being a prolific presenter throughout the scene. She lives the lifestyle 24-7 w/ her partner Red Rigel, & is recognized as one of the most loved Domme's in the area.